Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Two Years....

Wow. Two years ago I started Calligraphie Moor up. I was bored out of my mind living in Houston, Texas. I had JUST quit what I thought was my dream job, being an ABA therapist. I dyed my hair purple. Then one day, I up and left my then boyfriend, ending things with him practically out of the blue and returned to West Texas to my parents house. I found myself apart of the boomerang generation. I found myself jobless. I found myself lost. I had no idea what I was going to do. I thought of pursuing my Master's degree, and was even accepted to a program. But then I ended up trying to fund my college dreams and I found myself working at an elementary. The principal loved me. She loved me so much she offered me a teaching position I wasn't qualified for, or so I thought. I took online classes and became a fully certified teacher.

Meantime, my love life was all over the place. There were real flings and crushes on the wrong people. There was an affair that should have never happened.

It all led up to finding the one. In a bar. How typical. He was introduced to me in November of 2014 and I barely gave him the time of day. But then on New Years Eve 2014 my best friend and I stumbled, well actually almost ran him over when he drunkly stumbled into the streets trying to call a cab, into the man I will spend the rest of forever with. We picked him up and drove him around for three hours trying to find hot dogs. That moment changed my life forever. Hot dogs changed my life y'all. He showed up at the same bar again the next night and we really hit it off. I poured my soul out to him in the front seat of my best friend's car. And then we made out. And then he showed up again the next night. But I felt sick from lack of sleep and drinking far too much for my body to handle, so I went home. At some point we exchanged phone numbers and Facebook pages and started texting each other. One day after many, many, attempts at asking me to date him I stood in the middle of a Walmart aisle surrounded by towels and finally said yes. And like many whirlwind romances we fell in love quickly. Whispering to each other in a hotel room "I love you" for the first time. 11 days into the relationship. Three months into the relationship we decided to try for a baby. On November 19th, I downed an entire thing of Starbucks coffee and immediately regretted it. At lunch time, I went home. I knew something was up; I was late. I peed on a stick and there beaming back at us was two little pink lines. Bright as the light of day. 100% certainty of our future. We were parents. In January he tricked me with a small dog and proposed to me.

And now....well it's July and it's 9 months later and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our first son any day now. I sit in his childhood room as I type this and he is off working on our house. The house he is building for us and our child. He's giving life to all of my dreams; and I've never been more happy than I am in this moment. Even if I can't breathe because of our child occupying all of the space in my body.

And that's what can happen in two years time.

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